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From the category archives: David Jones


Ardjson-Part 11: Using Flash to store print strings (Sketch V1.6).

In the previous blog in this series, using Flash for non-volatile program data was covered. One aspect of this was the F( ) macro that enables Serial.print/println strings to be accessed from Flash where the program is stored. That is, they do not consume RAM space allowing for more volatile programming space. This blog compares using and not using the F( ) macro. In the Telemetry sketch this allows for nearly double the number of name-value pairs

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Ardjson-Part 10: Reducing RAM Usage – Permanent Storage

In the quest to reduce RAM usage with a RAM challenged Arduino device, this blog covers using permanent storage (Flash and EEPROM).

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Ardjson-Part9b: Azure Mobile Services Scripts

In Part 9 of this series, it was shown how to create a Version 1 table such that the id field is an auto-incremented integer which saves storage space on a small device. Version 1 tables don't automatically save a creation and modification date. This blog covers how to do it with a Script.

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Ardjson-Part 9: Azure Mobile Services Table id options (Sketch V1.5)

The default id field for a Azure Mobile Services Table, that the table is indexed on, is a string. By default the string that is auto-generated is a 36 character GUID string. This can be 3 or more times rest of the data sent as a HTTP Response to a default HTTP GET for each record from the Telemetry table . This blog discusses this issue and canvasses some options to resolve this overkill.

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Ardjson-Part 8: Telemetry Code Sketch Version 1.4

This blog covers the major revision of the Telemetry to remove old, now unnecessary code, fix some bugs, further improve error responses, and a stored data structure that makes the parsed JSon data available after the HTTP Response processing is complete.

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Ardjson-Part 7b: Programming Details of the JSon Stream Parser

This blog covers the Stream Parser - State Machine code in detail...

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Ardjson-Part 7: Arduino JSon Stream Parse (Sketch V1.3.1c)

This blog presents a more complete JSon parser in the Arduino context  that extracts the data entities from each record. in the JSon string. It is implemented as a Stream Parser - State Machine.

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Ardjson-Part 6: Arduino Telemetry Sensor (Sketches V1.3b)

The three TelemetrySensor Arduino apps that mimic the desktop/phone Universal app UI functions are created by copying and appropriately editing the ToDoItem Arduino apps.

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Ardjon-Part 5: A Simple JSon Parser (Sketches V1.3a)

This blog presents a simple JSon parser in the Arduino context for the ToDo sketch  that extracts the data entities from each record. in the JSon string.

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Ardjson-Part 4b: Arduino Networking

Some hints to do with networking an Arduino device.

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