The Windows Phone Developer Tools CTP refresh is available. 

This is the CTP for Visual Studio 2010 RTM.




Whilst there have have been some API changes/updates and a new phone emulator, tis version of the tools is meant for use with the release RTM version of of Visual Studio 2010.

I had installed VS 2010 Ultimate so I downloaded and installed it.  It install with a link to download the Express version of VS 2010, so if you want you can use this get started with VS 2010.  The note indicate that the emulator can be used without VS.

Application programming context is Silverlight.  I created a simple HelloWorld app:  Button Press gives date-time in textbox.  See below.


From my other blog (March 22), some notes about Windows Phone 7 programming:


Disclaimer: None of this should be taken as gospel!

Windows MobilePhone 7 (From a recent presentation)

Hardware Restrictions/Requirements:

§  ARM

§  Only 3 hw buttons

§  No removable memory

§  GPU

  • Software

§  Silverlight 3  +  (add features for GPS, Accelerometers etc)

§  XNA (Games)

§  Consumer oriented

§  Apps only from MS App store

§  sw is managed code , no PInvoke

  • Operating system

§  Focus upon simplicity

§  Unlike previous windows Mobile MS will build the OS

·         Vendors can’t modify the UI

·         Vendor will probably just implement a HAL (Hw abstraction layer)

·         Note HW is locked down

§  This will probably mean time to market for Windows phone will be much quicker

  • Development Tools

§  VS 2010

§  Expression Blend 4

  • Focus

§  Simplicity

§  3 Screens with Cloud

·         Desktop (Win 7)

·         Phone 7

·         Xbox/Zune

