I did a presentation at Microsoft Melbourne on IOT:  "Scaling Windows Embedded with Azure: IOT" aka "Windows Embedded + Azure = IOT". Will post slides and code here. Demo is Arduino board communicating with Azure Mobile Services.

An MVP Comcamp   Twitter:  #MVPComcamp.


Follow up: "Windows Embedded + Azure = IOT" Presentation

  • Created Microsoft Azure Mobile Service
  • Demo Universal app from Desktop and Win Phone 8 (Todo example).
  • Json & REST: Curl.exe command line app to upload data to Mobile Service Table
  • Arduino embedded app, using HTTP GET (REST) to get same table and wrote Json parser to extract records on Arduino.
  • Arduino embedded app, using HTTP PUT (REST) to submit new records to same Mobile Service table.


SYNERGY: Was able to demonstrate ToDo data generated on Universal app (phone and desktop) or Arduino was accessible from other. Also, was able to see records on Azure portal, remove them there and see this reflected on other platforms.



Presentation Slides:


(Updated slightly 14 Feb 2015)

Code will be a Codeplex Project (watch this space). Will implement on-going project to expand upon this.