The three TelemetrySensor Arduino apps that mimic the desktop/phone Universal app UI functions are created by copying and appropriately editing the ToDoItem Arduino apps.

Code now on Codeplex:  as 1.3b

Telemetry Sensor Sketch Descriptions

There is a set of sensors, temperature, humidity and (air) pressure. Each has a current value. A value is submitted along with its sensor name. A previously submitted sensor value can be updated. The GET function returns all records. Note that the Mobile Service table automatically stores a record creation date-time. Note that in this version all values are created in software. A later version will read actually sensors.

To copy an Arduino sketch:

Open it in the IDE

Menu File->SaveAs

Choose a folder at the same level as the original app

Give the app the new name and save

Editing the copied sketch:

To simplify things each of the original ToDoItem sketches are compared to the new Telemetry Sensor sketches. The new sketches can then be edited by making those changes:In the table below, only changes only, in red. The first block in each comparison is for  first named sketch, the second is for named sketch. The corresponding line numbers in each sketch's source code are in the columns on the left. The link to each comparison is listed below:

[1] UI Activity: Get all records

  • Note no filter required.
  • Very few changes required for this app.
  • Note that for the output, the app was run in mode Version 4

Comparison:     JsonTodoGetIncomplete    v JsonGetTelemetrySensorValues



[2] UI Activity: Create a new record

Comparison:     JsonPostNewToDoItem    v JsonPostNewTelemetrySensor



[3] UI Activity: Update an existing record

  • Reminder that for each record to be updated, its specific id (GUID) must be used

Comparison:     JsonCompletATodoItem v JsonUpdateSensorValue


