You can now remotely install an app in a simple way. No need for Windows 10 SDK to get winappdeploycmd, You can use Device Manager in a browser locally or on the phone to do it. Here's how. The previous blog covered the basics about app packages, deployment and setting up for sideloading. This blog covers remote app installation and in phone app installation using Device Manager running in a browser.

My Related Blogs

  1. Win 10 Fast Track- If Phone app developer don’t install latest OS to Phone (I presented some material reproduced here wrt Device Manager)
  2. Win 10 Phone: Universal Windows Apps Sideloading - Winappdeploycmd: (Further Updated)
  3. Win 10 IoT Core: Universal Windows Apps Sideloading (Updated)
  4. Part  1: Win 10 Mobile – UWP Remote app installation using Device Manager - 1

In Brief

if you set your Windows 10 (Mobile) Phone in Developer Mode (perhaps Sideloading is all you need) then you can fire up a web browser where the Appx file  is located and remotely install the app on your phone. Alternatively you can actually file up the (Edge) browser on your phone after copying the package to it and install the app package there!


To update the app just install as below.

To Reinstall, delete it first:

  • Find the app on the Apps tab and select it in the Installed Apps list
  • Press [Remove] .. On the phone press X next to it to uninstall

Remote Installation

  • Get the appx folder. It could be zipped up and placed on a network share,  OneDrive GoogleDrive, Dropbox etc but do it securely!
    Probably is too big to email
  • As per the previous blog set the phone up in Developer mode and enable the Device Portal.
  • Run your browser where the files are located.and open the Device Portal on the phone  (enter http://<the phones IPAddress>) and pair if required.
  • Go to the Apps tab.
  • Browse to and select the appx package
  • Add the dependencies.
    These will be located in the Dependencies\ARM folder below the appx folder
    There are typically three of these so do this three or more times.
  • Press [Go] 
    Note: Keep the phone open throughout the installation.
  • The app should appear on Apps Menu. Test it.
  • image

InPhone Installation

Download the appx zip file or copy over USB to say, Downloads folder on the phone.
If using USB you can just copy the whole folder.

Unzip the file (you will need zip app . I use 8 Zip Lite.

  • Run the Device Portal in the browser on the phone (http://localhost ). Pair if necessary.
  • Go to the Apps tab.
  • Browse to and select the appx package
  • Add the dependencies.
    These will be located in the Dependencies\ARM folder below the appx folder
    There are typically three of these so do this three or more times.
  • Press [Go] 
    Note: Keep the phone open throughout the installation.
  • The app should appear on Apps Menu. Test it.

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