Hi All, Sorry couldn't post on earlier, been busy with some work anyways, one of the most discussed issues regarding Windows CE 6.0 has got to be the webcam interface so, lets have a look at what is what. There are two popular methods for doing this: 1: As described in Mike Hall's article on MSDN Mike Hall's article and 2: The open source webcam project from Codeplex written by Mr. Douglas Boling In my project I worked with the webcam project developed by Mr.Douglas Bloing simply because its a lot easier to implement, however the only short coming in this method is that it only worked with Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000. I did try working with another model but, I did not have any luck with it. So lets have a look at how to build a subproject to get the webcam working with windows CE 6.0. Two components are needed to build this subproject: 1: Windows Embedded CE 6.0 USB Camera Driver 2:Windows CE 6.0 Webcam Project by Mr. D.Boling This time around I thought of putting a lot of pictures in, instead of w ...

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