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Win CE 6.0 Application Development

Win CE Wi-Fi Driver

Hi All,

Before we move on to working with Phidgets let us get one more driver installed. We will be making use of the Wi-Fi driver and using Remote Desktop application. Installation process is exactly similar to the Webcam driver installation I wrote about in the last blog.

Windows CE Wi-Fi Driver

You can download the driver from the link above. In the next blog we will work with Phidgets.

Thanks for reading.

Windows CE 6.0 Webcam Interface

Hi All, Sorry couldn't post on earlier, been busy with some work anyways, one of the most discussed issues regarding Windows CE 6.0 has got to be the webcam interface so, lets have a look at what is what. There are two popular methods for doing this: 1: As described in Mike Hall's article on MSDN Mike Hall's article and 2: The open source webcam project from Codeplex written by Mr. Douglas Boling In my project I worked with the webcam project developed by Mr.Douglas Bloing simply because its a lot easier to implement, however the only short coming in this method is that it only worked with Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000. I did try working with another model but, I did not have any luck with it. So lets have a look at how to build a subproject to get the webcam working with windows CE 6.0. Two components are needed to build this subproject: 1: Windows Embedded CE 6.0 USB Camera Driver 2:Windows CE 6.0 Webcam Project by Mr. D.Boling This time around I thought of putting a lot of pictures in, instead of w ...

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Working with Serializer .NET Library and Serializer .NET Robot Controller

Hi All, In this post I will talk about installing the Serializer .NET library and some features os the Serializer .NET Robot Controller developed by RoboticsConnection. The Serializer 3.0 Robot Controller provides a ready-to-use solution to interface the Microsoft™ .NET framework, or C++ applicaitons to the most common robotic hardware. Details about the board can be found here Serializer .NET Robot Controller Here is how we install the .NET library for use in the projects that involve using the Serializer .NET Robot Controller. Note: Although the board is called robot controller it can be used for much mmore than just controlling robots it can be used for numerous other application like, Motor control, Sensor interface, etc. The Serializer™ Library is based on the Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework. It does not support the use of the .NET 1.1 Framework. So, here we go, Step 1:Download the Download the latest version of the Serializer™ .NET Library Installer from: Serializer .NET Library Step 2:Run the installe ...

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Serial Port Test

Hi all, This is the second text book example from Mr. Samuel Phung's Book.In this section we will develop a Visual Basic based application for testing the serial port on the eBox. The runtime image required for this example remains the same as developed in the previous section, so we can now move on to the application development part. Step 1:Launch the VS2005 IDE. Step 2:From the IDE, select files ► New ► Project to bring up the New Project screen. Step 3:From the New Project screen’s left pane, click on and expand the Other languages node. Step 4:Click on and expand the Visual Basic node followed by the Smart Device node, and click Windows CE 5.0. Step 5:From the New Project screen’s right pane, click Device Application. Step 6:Enter SerialPortApp as the name or any other name of your choice. Step 7:from the New Project screen, click OK to continue. A blank SerialPortApp will be created by the VS2005 IDE. Now by default a blank form is created and we need to add various buttons and boxes to ...

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Hello World

Hi All, I hope everyone is familier now with the basic OS development. So, lets start writing applications. This is the first blog in this section so I will take simple application from the book. "Hello World" is the simplest application to get started with application development in windows CE. Step 1:From VS2005 IDE select File/New/Project, to bring up the project screen. Expand Other Languages tab then select and expand Visual C# expand Smart Device and select Windows CE 5.0 on the right hand side select Device Application, choose an appropriate name for the application and click OK. Step 2:Once the new application window is up you can modify the different parameters as per your choice. Resize the Form to a smaller size (320x240) to make it easy to see the application when it runs on CE 6.0. Change the Form caption to “CE 6.0 JumpStart Kit – C# Example” Add a text-box to the form, change the name to textHelloWorld, clear the content in the text-box and place the text-box to the center of the form. ...

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  1. Re: Hello World

    My concern is how I connect RDP from Win-XP/7(Client) to WIN EC7(HOST), also i can able to connect R...

    -- Dbhukta

  2. Re: Windows CE 6.0 Installation

    2nd step and 4th step are different software?? or same software? if it's different software then where...

    -- aingtea

  3. Re: Windows CE 6.0 Installation

    Hello, I am new to Windows CE and I would like to get started from scratch. I have a brand new hard...

    -- Walter

  4. Re: About Me

    thank u for posting this usefull contents.... as i m fresher to installation task ,so can u provide detailed...

    -- chandu

  5. Re: Windows CE 6.0 Webcam Interface

    Hi! thanks a lot for this information. And in general for your post about WinCE, they have been very...

    -- Charly

  6. Re: Windows CE 6.0 Webcam Interface

    Hi, In step 23 you add a subproject of the webcam project of codeplex, can you explain how to create...

    -- APT

  7. Re: Windows CE 6.0 Installation Also its not Visual Stusio 2005 - But Visual Studio 2005 Very...

    -- Redion

  8. Re: Windows CE 6.0 Installation

    -- Redion

  9. Re: Windows CE 6.0 OS design wizard

    Could you elaborate on the issue a little more in detail, as a first guess I would say you probably have...

    -- Satyajit

  10. Re: Windows CE 6.0 OS design wizard

    HI Satyajit I had small issue with platform builder ,when I am trying to open new project I am getting...

    -- siva

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