Building on my previous articles (Windows 10 IoT Core: Starting a Package on Raspberry Pi  and Windows 10 IoT Core: Getting the MAC Address from Raspberry Pi) the following shows how to stop a running package.

We start with the function StopApp(), which can be called either of the following ways:


StopApp("PushButton", true);
StopApp("PushButton", false);


private async void StopApp(string appName, bool Force)
    String FullName = await GetPackageFullName(appName);
    byte toEncodeAsBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(FullName);
    string appName64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(toEncodeAsBytes);

    String URL = "http://localhost:8080/api/taskmanager/stop?" + (Force ? "?forcestop=true&" : "") + "package=" + appName64;


    StreamReader SR = await PostJsonStreamData(URL);


To stop the package we need the full name of the package, so let’s look it up by calling GetPackageFullName()

private async Task<String> GetPackageFullName(String PackageName)
    return await GetPackageNamedName(PackageName, "PackageFullName");

The code for GetPackageNamedName() can be found in Windows 10 IoT Core: Starting a Package on Raspberry Pi.


And now call PostJsonStreamData() which can also be found in Windows 10 IoT Core: Starting a Package on Raspberry Pi.




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