Compact 2013 Ebook

25.5 Running CEComponentWiz
Created by djones on 6/25/2013 1:29:13 AM

Running CEComponentWiz

1. Open your Compact 2013 project and select it in Solution Explorer

PBScripts run in the context of the select project

2, As above, configure CEComponentWiz as the active script and run it.

3. Set OS Version
Generate Component—>OS Version—>8.00

4. Enter project details
Generate Component—>Component Details—>
Project Name/Comment/Description and Vendor

5. Select files
Get Content—>
Modules/Images/Documents/Media/Other/From Release Directory/Registry Entries

6. Delete any files that are highlighted as they have spaces in their names which build can’t handle.

7. [Optional] Select shortcut locations for files:
Desktop/Startup/Start Menu/Program Files/My Documents etc./Favorites etc.

8. Modify file Location if needed
e.g. Managed Code apps should be in FILES)

9. Set any required BIB flags for each file.
e.g. A kernel mode driver need K or Q flags etc.

10. Generate Component subproject
Generate Component Project—>Generate Development Project

11. Save Workspace
File—>Save Workspace

This generates a .cww file and places it the root of the OS subprojects folder.
It can be used to reload the project in the wizard, make modifications and regenerate the project.

12. Exit the wizard

13. In the OS project context, Add Exiting Item and browse into the new projects folder and select is sources file.

14. Examine the subprojects files and check that it builds

Note: It is best to configure these projects to be built with the OS, included in the OS and not to be debugged. There is actually no runnable code in them. They are only about content.

15. Build the OS and check that the files have been included the OS:
Build—>Build all subprojects (with Target builds set to run MakeImage)

16. Open the nk.bin file ProjectàImage Contents and check the file list and registry entries

17.Run the OS and check for the presence of the files in the required folders.
With Compact 2013, there is no File Explorer so you will need to use Remote ToolsàRemote Files or navigate up and down the folders via a command prompt

18. Test run any include applications.

Other CEComponentWiz project generation options:

  • Reference Development Component in Catalog.
    This generates a Catalog file for the component referencing the subproject. Rather than Add Exiting … it can be selected from the Third Party Catalog tree under the Vendor’s name. Note that this Catalog component is specific to the existing OS project.
  • Publish Component to Third Party (and Catalog).
    Place the component under the WINCEROOT\3rdParty folder with a Catalog folder. All OS projects on the development system can then use it. This folder can be zipped up and distributed to other OS developers.

Remember: Refresh the Catalog after adding components in both of these cases.

NEXT: 24.6 Activity: CoreCon Subproject


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