Compact 2013 Ebook

4.4 Connectivity
Created by sphung on 7/11/2013 6:05:31 PM


To setup a Compact 2013 development environment, where you can download OS runtime image and application from the development PC to the target device, requires proper connectivity and associated software.

With available software to support the connectivity, developing a Compact 2013 device may involve one or more of the following connectivity:

·         Ethernet

·         JTAG

·         Serial port

·         USB port

Depending on the hardware design, selected processor architecture and support resources from the hardware vendor, a Compact 2013 target device can use one or more of the above connectivity for debug and testing purposes.

For device built with ARM processor, in addition to Ethernet, Serial and USB ports, JTAG is used to provide low-level hardware debug.  For x86 device, it’s common to use both the Ethernet and Serial port to support the development environment.

The contents for this book is intended to help software developer to learn and become familiar with the general application and OS design development for Compact 2013 and do not cover low-level development in detail, such as hardware bring up, boot loader and OAL codes.

An x86 device is used as the target device for the examples throughout this book, where Ethernet is used as the connectivity to download and debug application and OS image and RS-232 connectivity is used to capture serial debug message from the bootloader, as shown in figure 4.3.


Figure 4.3:  Connectivity   



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