CEDriverWiz V2.00: About this release

CEDriverWiz V2.00: About this release
Created by djones on 4/1/2013 7:33:34 AM

This brings the wizard in line with our Wrox book: "Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7" . ... 

This brings the wizard in line with our Wrox book: "Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7".



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About CEDriverWiz

CEDriverWiz is a Windows Embedded Compact wizard, that helps simplify the tasks needed to develop a custom stream interface device driver for Windows Embedded Compact 7 and Windows Embedded CE 6. It generates a shell of a stream driver subproject that can be added to an OS project. You simply choose a stream name and index ( eg Serial  and COM) as well as various other options and it generates all of the required files for direct inclusion in a Windows Embedded Compact 7 or CE 6 OS project in Visual Studio 2008. It can also generate test programs for loading and unloading the driver as well as for testing its I/O functionality.

CEDriverWiz Editions

  • CEDriverWiz Standard: That is this public edition of the wizard. It implements the driver context and stream buffer as well as some of the power features as "place holders".
  • CEDriverWiz Professional: That is the non-public edition of the wizard that is provided with training that provides the code snippets for implementing those features that are "place holders" in the Standard edition.

There is also CEDriverWizTemplates which is a simpler implementation of CEDriverWiz: Simpler to use but less driver options.

Also, CEComponentWiz generates a custom subproject for including resource files in an image along with specifying which folders they appear in as well as generating related shortcuts for inclusion in menus etc.

Basic Features

  • The wizard is launched as a Platform Builder script (Tools-Platform Builder-Run Active Script Menu)
    • Need to set CEDriverWiz as the Active Script
  • Generates a stream driver that implements a simple buffer for reading and writing
    • These options for buffer context. See Driver Context.
    • Note buffer code is not actually generated .. just place holders for it.
  • Can choose Kernel or User Mode (Impacts BIB and REG files)
  • Can choose None, Simple or Advance IOCTLs
  • Test Apps to:
    • Load driver in user mode
    • Unload the driver
    • Reload the driver (previous called Dynamic load)
    • Test that the driver is loaded (Basic Test)
    • Test driver stream buffer reads and writes
    • Test IOCTLs.

New Operational Features

  • In the driver source code, you can select the stream functions that are required. Not all 13 function are required. For example, Cancel is only required if asynchronous IO is required. Where rules apply (in some cases, if one function is included another is required) these are enforced.
  • The driver BIB and REG entries can be automatically be added to the OS's OSDesign BIB and REG files, so that it can be built with, included with and run with the OS.
    • See Load at Startup
  • File Menu
    • Clean Up
      • Driver clean up that:
        • Removes all of a stream's folders from the OS's subprojects.
        • Removes all of its built components in the OS's RelDir (Release Directory)
        • Removes the driver's BIB and REG entries in the OSDesign files, if they haven't been modified
      • Applies to the current Stream Name if it has been generated
        • Can be applied to a previously generated stream
  • Publish Menu
    • Show Development Driver Projects in Catalog
      • When a stream project has been generated, it can be added to the Catalog:
      • The stream driver and all of the selected test apps appear as separate items in the Catalog under:
        • 3rdParty
          • Vendor Name
            • Stream Name
    • Publish Driver to Catalog
      • Just the stream driver gets published in the Catalog:
      • The project is copied to a 3rdParty folder
      • It can be zipped and distibuted from there
    • Unpublish Driver in Catalog
      • Deletes these Catalog (and 3rdParty) creations
      • Applies to the current stream name
  • App and Driver messaging are separate options:
    • In Apps various status messages generated.
    • In the Driver, debug messages when a function is entered, exited and at pivotal points in the function.
      • DEBUGMSG
      • wprintf (This is new .. messages would appear when test app runs in command shell)
  • Power IOCTLs
    • The specific set of power IOCTLs are optionally added.
    • A separate test app can be generated to calls these.
    • They only generate a message saying not implemented yet, though.

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