Are you a maker? Have you always wanted to showcase that million dollar idea of yours? Are you ready to build something innovative? Are you ready to take your idea to next level and show the world your new invention?
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Development environment and tools for Windows Embedded CE 6.0, Windows Embedded Compact 7 and 2013.
If you are still using Windows 7 or Windows 8 to develop Windows Embedded Compact 2013 solution and hesitate to migrate to Windows 10, check out this entry.
Build Tour Los Angeles on June 15 at Universal Studios is part of the series of worldwide events to bring the Build experience to cities around the globe.
We are happy to have Vishal join the Embedded101 community, a member of the board to help guide and expand the community.
As a Microsoft Azure MVP, a recognized professional with passion and expertise in Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform, Vishal bring his expertise to help expand the Embedded101 community’s coverage to target “Azure Enabled IoT Development”.
Vishal received the Azure Most Valuable Professional recognition from Microsoft in 2014.
Global Azure Bootcamp (GAB) is a one day world-wide event, driven by Microsoft Azure experts and community enthusiasts, to help developers new to Azure as well as experienced developer, to learn and share knowledge about Azure. 2015 marks the 3rd year for this event with 183 worldwide locations to host the event on the same date, on April 25th, 2015. While this is the first year we hosted the GAB event at Santiago Canyon College (SCC), this is the 2nd time we hosted similar event to serve the academic as well as the general developer community in Southern California. In May of 2014, we hosted the \\publish\ event at SCC, working with Microsoft product team, a global hackathon with more than 60 worldwide event locations, to assist new as well as experienced developers to develop, complete and publish their Windows Phone and Windows Store apps. Big Thank You to Von Lawson and Ron Kessler at Santiago Canyon College. The GAB event at SCC would not have been possible without the help from these two in ...
On April 25, 2015, the Global Azure Bootcamp will be take place at approximately 190 locations worldwide.
Global Azure Bootcamp is a one day world-wide event, driven by Microsoft Azure experts and community enthusiasts, to help develop new to Azure as well as experienced developer, to learn and share knowledge about Azure. This is the 3rd year for this event. For the last event in 2014, there were 136 event locations in 54 countries. You can read the summary for the 2014 event here.
In part-4 of this getting started series, we will talk about the application development environment for Compact 2013 and work through the steps to develop a console C# application from Visual Studio 2013 IDE and deploy the application to the target device, EduCake, for testing and debug.
As part of any sizable software development project, the need to perform repetitive testing and debugging tasks is a common routine. As part of a project to develop custom OS runtime image for a target device, deploying OS runtime image onto the target device for testing and debugging is one of the repetitive tasks. Without the tool to download the OS runtime image to the target device, it’s tedious and time consuming to have to manually transfer the image onto the device for each test and debug session.Compact 2013 provides an efficient development environment that enables you to download OS runtime image, generated from the OS design project, directly from the Visual Studio IDE to the target device for testing and debugging. In addition, the Compact 2013 development environment also provide a suite of tools to remotely debug the OS runtime image as the image execute on the device.
As part of any sizable software development project, the need to perform repetitive testing and debugging tasks is a common routine. As part of a project to develop custom OS runtime image for a target device, deploying OS runtime image onto the target device for testing and debugging is one of the repetitive tasks. Without the tool to download the OS runtime image to the target device, it’s tedious and time consuming to have to manually transfer the image onto the device for each test and debug session.
Compact 2013 provides an efficient development environment that enables you to download OS runtime image, generated from the OS design project, directly from the Visual Studio IDE to the target device for testing and debugging. In addition, the Compact 2013 development environment also provide a suite of tools to remotely debug the OS runtime image as the image execute on the device.
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