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The Imagine Cup award ceremony is the most exciting event, where the winning teams from each category of competition are announced. This year, the award ceremony was held at the Lincoln Center not far from Time Square. There were interesting guests delivered speech and help handing out the awards, including New York city mayor, Michael Bloomberg, Eva Longoria, a famous celebrity and Halo master chief.
First round of the competition took place on July 9th follow by round-2 on July 10th. On July 11th, the Imagine Cup team organized a number of activities for the student.
The 2011 Imagine Cup Worldwide final competition for the Embedded Development category started on Day-2. 20 teams from 20 different countries were invited to compete in New York.
Imagine Cup is a year long competition. For the 2011 Worldwide final, the competition started in 2010, with more than 350,000 registrants from 183 countries/regions. The 2011 Worldwide final was held in New York, from July 7 to 14, with 124 teams from 70 different countries competed. Visit the following Imagine Cup URL for more detailed information: http://www.imaginecup.com/CompetitionsContent/2011Winners.aspx Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer delivered speech and cut ribbon during the opening ceremony Dr. Jeffrey Sachs delivered a speech at the opening ceremony and gave a life-long homework to all finalists, use technology to develop solution that help the environment and save our planet. Dr. Sachs is the director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He is also the Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon. Dennis Crowley, Foursquare founder and CEO, shared his success story and talk about how he kept on trying for years and did not ...
Here are some pictures from the 2010 Imagine Cup Poland Worldwide final event.
Here are some of the pictures taken while visiting the Embedded Development finalists’ exhibits during the 2010 Imagine Cup worldwide final in Poland.
Here are some of the new and old friends I met during the 2010 Imagine Cup Poland event.
Here are some pictures from the walking tour with Prof. Hamblen, Thierry Joubert, Prof. Pin Tao and Prof. Guo Li.
The Worldwide final in Egypt was an amazing event, fills will excitement and full of energy. The opening ceremony was held outdoor in the evening a the Citadel, one of the famous historic landmark in Egypt. Attendees were transported to the Citadel early and had a chance to look around the Citadel.
Here is a short video on YouTube that provide a recap of the first day for the Imagine Cup Worldwide final. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5FHJA4U-js
Opening ceremony stage and sitting area.
Attendees roaming around before event start…
Egyptian folk dance
This year, twenty student teams from the following countries were invited to compete in the Embedded Development Worldwide final: Team OpenLab from Brazil Team Bamboo & Papyrus from Canada Team iSee from China Team MedBox from Egypt Team ESIEark from France Team IT WizKids from India Team Pendekar Asyik from Indonesia Team CLFS from Japan Team Wafree from Korea Team Brainy Brownie and the Marvelous Thinker Threats from Mexico Team Krejzi Dzepetto from Poland Team bdpq from Romania Team SoundStreamers from Russia Team Infusion from Singapore Team SAS-EN from Sri Lanka Team SEEDS from Taiwan Team AST from Turkey Team Intellectronics from Ukraine Team uUH from United Kingdom Team PARV from United States On the day 2, there were two rounds of competition for the Embedded Development invitational. After these two rounds of competition, 6 teams were selected to advance to the final round of competition which took place on day 3. The six teams selected to advance to the final round of ...
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