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From the monthly archives: September 2010

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'September 2010'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

2009 Imagine Cup Worldwide Final – First day

The Worldwide final in Egypt was an amazing event, fills will excitement and full of energy.  The opening ceremony was held outdoor in the evening a the Citadel, one of the famous historic landmark in Egypt.  Attendees were transported to the Citadel early and had a chance to look around the Citadel.

Here is a short video on YouTube that provide a recap of the first day for the Imagine Cup Worldwide final.

Opening ceremony stage and sitting area.

Attendees roaming around before event start…


Egyptian folk dance

Velma And Windows Mobile

There has been a new arrival in the stable of bicycles at the Wilson household. How and why I acquired this new bike (more correctly described as a tricycle, or trike to sound more adult) is a story for another time, but suffice it to say that it involved a friend of many years who is something of a semi-professional bicycle racer. I will be forever grateful to him for making this bike, oops, trike, available to me. As I see it, one of the great things about trikes are their potential for being "geeked out". This kind of thing is also possible with regular bicycles, but the extra weight seems more noticeable on two wheels, and there are fewer places to mount the gadgets. Which brings me to the reason for this post, to recount my experience using a Windows Mobile device as a bicycle computer. Before we begin, let me introduce you to Velma (the name of the new trike). Velma is a recumbent bike, so the pedals are in frot while my torso reclines in a comfortable seat, far easier to cope with on long rides tha ...

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  1. Re: SurfPad: Index

    this is a good post that you have written you can add more about the outlook or some other technology...

    -- Configure Outlook 2016

  2. Re: Azure Sphere - Hands on!!


    -- David Jones

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    Eh its happened again! Yes [Fn] and [ctrl] keys are swapped. So time to shutdown and remove the battery...

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    Thank you for the workaround. I just tried it on my Raspberry Pi 3 running Win 10 IoT. It solved the...

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    Thank you for the workaround. I just tried it on my Raspberry Pi 3 running Win 10 IoT. It solved the...

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