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Posts Tagged ' Arduino'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with ' Arduino'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Interconnect issue over Bluetooth Serial

Issue: Can pair a Windows 10 device with an Arduino device and communicate over RFCOMM. But although can pair two Windows 10 devices over Bluetooth Serial, I can’t serially transmit between them: No serial port for OutGoing end.

SurfPad: RPI as the SurfPad (Bluetooth Connectivity)

This article covers using a Raspberry Pi running a RS4 version of IoT Core as the SurfPad, withe an Arduino devices as the Remote app. Connectivity for this is via Bluetooth..

SurfPad: USB Serial Connectivity

This article reworks the previous few articles that use BT Serial and the connectivity  so that USB virtual serial is used for communication. It covers in detail USB Serial connectivity between a UWP app and an Arduino devices as well as with a Windows 10 IoT-Core device (eg RPI).

Windows 10 IoT: Windows Remote Arduino and Universal Windows Platform Apps: PWM Added

The project has been updated to include a LED dimmer as a PWM example.

The project source on Codeplex has been updated for this.


The additional tutorial PWM material is now included here:

Windows Developer Program for IoT officially started !!


Although it was announced immediately after the Build 2014 and O'Reilly Solid , the "Windows Developer Program for IoT" was officially started yesterday !

The announcement was made by the program manager, Steve Teixeira, on the Windows blog highlighting the launch of the new Windows Developer for IoT portal and the beginning of the shipping of the evaluation kit consisting of the Intel Galileo board with a specific version of Windows that supports the Arduino APIs and a subset of the Win32 API.

Also, on the Microsoft Open Technologies website it is specified that the SDK will soon be released in part as open source.

For those who were already enrolled in the program, they have to wait for the kit that will arrive at home very soon but can start to take a tour on the new portal that already provides all the information related to SDK with the sample applications !

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