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Posts Tagged ' Qpid'

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Microsoft and the Internet of Things : from the "things" to the "cloud"

Few days ago Microsoft was included in the ranking of the 10 most innovative companies of 2015 as part of the Internet of Things and this result can not be absolutely considered a case. Most likely, the main reasons that have enabled Microsoft to achieve this great result are two : The announcement of an operating system like Windows 10 that is able to run on any kind of device, from embedded systems, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles and finally to the PC; The wide Microsoft Azure cloud services offer through which you can "accommodate" and analyze in real time the huge amount of data from the "things"; The Microsoft offer for the Internet of Things covers everything from embedded device (the "T") to the Cloud (the "I") failing to provide a solution under one "hat".   What are the available technologies ? How can we really "bring" our "things" in the Cloud and make them an integral part of the Internet of "Your" Things as it was renamed by Microsoft ...

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