Posts Tagged 'MQTT'

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M2Mqtt Case Study : MQTT and Azure Device Gateway

  A new case study for M2Mqtt project and this time with a demo at one of the most important event in the United States, Visual Studio Live ! Rick G. Garibay, Microsoft Azure MVP, was speaker at the Visual Studio Live event  in Chicago with two interesting sessions including one dedicated to IoT with Microsoft Azure and entitled “From the Internet of Things to Intelligent Systems – A developer’s primer”. Rick has made ​​a very interesting demo with Azure Device Gateway (also known as Reykjavik project) of which we have already heard at Build 2014; thanks to it we can connect multiple devices, through different protocols, in the Azure IoT world. Regarding the devices, the demo had an Arduino board and a Netduino Plus 2 board, connected to a RabbitMQ broker via the MQTT protocol. Obviously, the part relating to the .NET Micro Framework used the M2Mqtt library ! You can find all the materials related to this session on the official blog of Rick at the following link, the ...

M2Mqtt Case Study : MQTT with .Net Gadgeteer platform


Blake McNeill, Microsoft Developer Security MVP, has made ​​a very interesting demo using the MQTT protocol with the .NET Gadgeteer platform !

Blake is one of my main fan that uses very often all the open source libraries that I made on CodePlex. This time, talking about MQTT protocol, he has used the M2Mqtt project !

On the official web site, I have just created a page dedicated to case studies for those who wish to share their experience, hobbistic or professional, with client and GnatMQ broker usage. Just contact me and I'll be happy to set up a page dedicated to your project !

The tutorial is well done and describes all the main features and potential of the protocol as well as highlight the simplicity with which it is possible to integrate and use my MQTT client.

You can’t miss it !


M2Mqtt and GnatMQ : the MQTT project for all .Net platforms has its official website !



Finally, the M2Mqtt project, which includes the client library and the GnatMQ broker, has its official website !

In addition to a dedicated blog, there is a documentation section that currently contains the architecture description of the client library, the main advantages in using it and a simple application example. As for the broker, are the main features implemented and future.

In addition, the download section lists all the link to download the project (CodePlex, Nuget and Microsoft Code Gallery).

My objective is also to add a "case study" section with application examples, hobbistic or professional, and/or demos of those who are using the library and/or the broker. Obviously, anyone who wants to participate can contact through the contact section !

GnatMQ in the Cloud : an MQTT broker on Microsoft Azure

In this post, we'll see how easy it is to execute GnatMQ, the MQTT broker for .NET Framework, in the Cloud using the Microsoft Azure platform. The execution of the broker can be started through a Worker Role that is one of the "Cloud Services" offered by Microsoft. Create the Cloud Service In the "Server Explorer", click with the right button on "Windows Azure" and "Connect to Windows Azure ..." and execute login using our Azure credentials(the ones we use in the online management portal). The "Server Explorer" refreshes and displays all the "Windows Azure" services currently active with our account (Cloud Services for web role and worker role, Service Bus with its namespaces, Virtual Machines and so on). Since our goal is to execute the GnatMQ broker in a worker role, we need to create a new "Cloud Services", right-clicking on it and selecting "Create Cloud Service ...". Select the subscription you want to associate the new service, the name and the region where it will be executed. The creation o ...

M2Mqtt : release for MQTT client on .Net platform

Development of M2Mqtt library continues .... now reached the version ! This time the new features are related to two requests from people who are using it. First, I added more overloads for Connect() method, because from when I removed the default parameters (for compatibility with older versions of the .Net Framework) I left the more complex constructor that requires all parameters. Many people, not knowing well the MQTT protocol, found themselves in difficulty in deciding what values ​​to pass to lesser known parameters (will message, clean session, ...). A further new feature concerns the client disconnected event (from the MQTT broker) that was requested on the official CodePlex web site. The MqttClient class exposes MqttMsgDisconnected event that is raised when a condition of connection failure with the broker is detected and typically in two cases : when there isn’t network traffic, when client sends the PINGREQ message (relative to the keep-alive) it doesn’t receive ...

GnatMQ : MQTT broker for the .Net framework

With a week later than the expected output, I finally released in Beta an MQTT broker completely developed in  C# that can run on .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework 3.9 (on systems with Windows Embedded Compact 2013) his name is ... GnatMQ ! It has the M2Mqtt library “core” with which it shares the features of MQTT protocol about the part of the connection to the clients and the messages management. Obviously, it is completely open source and available on CodePlex but is currently in Beta version (aspect numerous reports on your part!). Main features included in the current release : All three Quality of Service (QoS) Levels (at most once, at least once, exactly once); Clean session; Retained messages; Will message (QoS, topic and message); Username/Password via a User Access Control; Subscription to topics with wildcards; Publish and subscribe handle using inf ...

M2Mqtt : bug fix and new version


If using version you realize that Connect and Disconnect events are not raised ... it is correct ... they are not handled in the client and you need to update the library or ignore them !

I released an update M2Mqtt library (version that lays out this oversight.

Following the code merge between the M2Mqtt client library and the future GnatMQ broker I made the mistake of including the SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, CONNECT and DISCONNECT messages handling also in the client (of course without any sense) with the corresponding events.

The update is available as always on Nuget and I proceeded to update the corresponding M2Mqtt4CE component for Windows Embedded Compact 2013.

M2Mqtt : MQTT for all .Net platforms with a new version and more social !

Also this time an update arrives on time for my M2Mqtt library now reached to version ! The main updates concerning better management of QoS Level 2 , some client properties exposed to the outside but especially the fact that it assessed and added some requests that I received by users that obviously thank you ! Also, in some parts of the source code you will see a compilation directive that is conditional on the definition of the symbol BROKER ... why ? I standardized the library code of M2Mqtt with the code of a MQTT broker that I am developing and which will shortly be released in beta version. Its name is GnatMQ and the project is already published online on CodePlex and then open source. Please note that currently it is still a version in development and not completely stable but the release is imminent ! In addition to updating the project on CodePlex , I updated its package on Nuget ( which has now passed 1000 downloads ! ), the code in the Microsoft Gallery and the project M2Mqtt4CE to in ...

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 : using the proprietary component M2Mqtt4CE in an MQTT based managed application

  We are to the last post of this tutorial that guides us through the creation of a proprietary component (using the M2Mqtt library as an example) for Platform Builder and its inclusion in the Windows Embedded Compact 2013. In this final post we will see how you can use this component in a sample managed application using also debugging. SDK and Application Builder When we build Windows Embedded Compact 2013 image that we have to provide to the software development team that will implement the high-level application for the target device, we must necessarily also make available its SDK. It contains all the header files and static libraries that developers can use to build applications in native code, avoiding the use of the APIs that we have not included in our image. Typically we would not need the SDK with managed applications based on .Net Compact Framework but unfortunately without any SDK installed, Visual Studio 2012 does not make available any templates for applications based on Windows Embedde ...

The M2Mqtt4CE component : an MQTT client to include into Windows Embedded Compact 2013 image

In the previous post, using the tool CEComponentWiz, we have created a custom component that is visible in the Platform Builder catalog items. We used the assembly of M2Mqtt library compiled for .NET Compact Framework 3.9 and created the corresponding component that I made ​​publicly available on CodePlex under the name M2Mqtt4CE ! M2Mqtt4CE : component description This component can be useful to any OEM that should produce Windows Embedded Compact 2013 operating system image that has a client for MQTT onboard and  developed with .Net Compact Framework 3.9. Assuming to be OEM, we can download the M2Mqtt4CE package from CodePlex and extract the contents to the \WINCE800\3rdParty folder (as described in the ReadMe.txt file attached). The main files of the component are the following : M2Mqtt.dll (located in the Resources folder) is the signed assembly of M2Mqtt library that is included in the image and registered in the GAC; M2Mqtt.bib is the BIB file that determines th ...




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