Posts Tagged ' M2M'

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M2Mqtt 3.5 : .Net MQTT client with improved SSL/TLS support, other features and Apache 2.0 license !

    This time the M2Mqtt library has undergone some "important" changes in terms of new features and bug fixing. I have to admit that the improvements are mainly due to the people who use it and report me to add new features or bugs to fix. In addition to several issues reported on CodePlex, this time also Clemens Vasters, PM on Microsoft Azure, submitted some improvements to be applied in the context of SSL / TLS authentication. In fact, as already tweeted several weeks ago, Clemens used my library to run tests on the Reykjavik project (Device Gateway) presented at Build in 2014 and I can only be honored. SSL/TLS authentication In this case, the improvement is closely related to the .Net Framework version, since it is the only version to support what has been added. In particular, the MqttClient class makes available other constructors which can provide the following callbacks : RemoteCertificateValidationCallback : allows the user to execute further checks on the validation of the ...

Windows Developer Program for IoT officially started !!


Although it was announced immediately after the Build 2014 and O'Reilly Solid , the "Windows Developer Program for IoT" was officially started yesterday !

The announcement was made by the program manager, Steve Teixeira, on the Windows blog highlighting the launch of the new Windows Developer for IoT portal and the beginning of the shipping of the evaluation kit consisting of the Intel Galileo board with a specific version of Windows that supports the Arduino APIs and a subset of the Win32 API.

Also, on the Microsoft Open Technologies website it is specified that the SDK will soon be released in part as open source.

For those who were already enrolled in the program, they have to wait for the kit that will arrive at home very soon but can start to take a tour on the new portal that already provides all the information related to SDK with the sample applications !

Azure Nodes : Microsoft Azure services in Node-RED !

    After I wrote the article about the Node-RED installation with a Web Site in Microsoft Azure, I decided to start another "small" open source project closely related to the "flow-based programming" with Node-RED using the Microsoft Azure services. Starting from Azure SDK for Node.js I am asked myself the following question: why not make available to the Node-RED users all the Microsoft Azure services in their "flows" ? From there I had a new project idea : Azure Nodes ! This project, available on GitHub, adds a bunch of nodes ("azure" colored) to the Node-RED toolbox through which you can interact with the Microsoft Azure services. The current version is still in Beta and it supports only the Service Bus features (queue and topic / subscription) very useful in the Internet of Things, I love. The documentation is available in the Wiki pages related to the project even if the use of the nodes is remarkably simple and intuitive. There are still many (too much ?) debug messages displayed ...

Flow-based programming for the Internet of Things with Node-RED hosted on Microsoft Azure

    One of the greatest well known tool for the “flow-based programming” that provides a great way for wiring the Internet of Things is Node-RED. It is an open source project hosted on GitHub and developed by Nick O’Leary and Dave Conway-Jones from IBM but it isn’t related to any IBM technology. The main important feature is that Node-RED is completely written in JavaScript and HTML and it is based on server-side framework NodeJS. This means that it can run on any PC where we can install NodeJS and with all available operating systems from Windows to Linux through Mac OS X. This article is not intended to be an introduction or full guide on Node-RED but it will describe how we can run it in the cloud ! Thanks to its NodeJS base and the power of all services provided by Microsoft Azure, you can create an Azure Web Site for a NodeJS application that can host Node-RED so that you can access, control and develop on it from everywhere ! In this way, we don’t need to s ...

M2Mqtt : added tracing support for the MQTT client

The M2Mqtt library is now at release with the new tracing feature in debugging mode. The project has the new Trace class that exposes the static member TraceListener declared as the following delegate : 1: // delegate for writing trace 2: public delegate void WriteTrace(string format, params object[] args); In this way, it is possibile to chose our preferred tracing mode setting a method to this delegate. Furthermore, it is possibile to set the tracing level using thet static member TraceLevel with the following possible values : 1: /// <summary> 2: /// Tracing levels 3: /// </summary> 4: public enum TraceLevel 5: { 6: Error = 0x01, 7: Warning = 0x02, 8: Information = 0x04, 9: Verbose = 0x0F, 10: Frame = 0x10 11: } A simple example of tracing usage could be the following : 1: Trace.TraceLevel = MqttUtility.TraceLevel.Verbose | MqttUtility.TraceLevel.Frame; 2: Trace.T ...

.Net Micro Framework and Internet of Things : a quick tour on coming news and long term future

            In the last days, I saw some interesting things around the future of .Net Micro Framework … First, a post in the GHI Electronics community forum that speaks about the 2014 plan for .Net Gadgeteer. Gary, GHI employee, says : We have some very exciting news to share with you today. First of all, we have been communicating your feedback to Microsoft and they have been very responsive. We can't share all the details yet but we can tell you that you will be very happy with what Microsoft will announce very soon. There are two main points about it : GHI reported to Microsoft all feedbacks by .Net Micro Framework and Gadgeteer users and I think with the objective to improve the framework; There are more details and news that Microsoft will announce very soon, so in the next days (week ? months ?) we will have new official information about .Net Micro Framework future; Of course … the above are great points ! ...

Better Embedded 2014 : I will be speaker for Internet of Things !


This year, I will have the great pleasure and honor of being speaker at the only one educational Italian conference on embedded world, Better Embedded 2014, which will take place on 4 and 5 July in Florence at the Hotel Londra.

My session will be focused on the Internet of Things with a look at "war" between the main protocols used for it, such as HTTP (REST)​​, AMQP, MQTT and CoAP (I'll add XMPP and DDS as soon as possibile after deep into them). The comparison between them will be literally on the field, so no more an introduction to the protocols themselves but more battles on different fields in which each protocol will try to get the better on the others.

There will be a winner ? To find out, you just need to subscribe to the event and come to follow my session !

IoT@Work : Internet of Things event in Microsoft headquarters in Rome

  Friday, June 6th IoT@Work event  was held in Rome at the Microsoft headquarters and it was organized by the DomusDotNet community and the online community (of which I am member). Thanks to the hospitality of Massimo Bonanni and all the guys in the community, we spent an entire day dedicated to the Internet of Things. In the morning, Mirco Vanini started showing us what Internet of Things is and what it is not with a series of real use cases and future projections of this new business. The next session saw myself as the lead in tackling a technical point of view of main protocols that are used in the IoT, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The morning sessions were completed by Lorenzo Maiorfi who spoke of "flow-programming", its application in the IoT and two main tools that can be used for this purpose: NodeRed and Orleans. ...

M2Mqtt Case Study : MQTT and Azure Device Gateway

  A new case study for M2Mqtt project and this time with a demo at one of the most important event in the United States, Visual Studio Live ! Rick G. Garibay, Microsoft Azure MVP, was speaker at the Visual Studio Live event  in Chicago with two interesting sessions including one dedicated to IoT with Microsoft Azure and entitled “From the Internet of Things to Intelligent Systems – A developer’s primer”. Rick has made ​​a very interesting demo with Azure Device Gateway (also known as Reykjavik project) of which we have already heard at Build 2014; thanks to it we can connect multiple devices, through different protocols, in the Azure IoT world. Regarding the devices, the demo had an Arduino board and a Netduino Plus 2 board, connected to a RabbitMQ broker via the MQTT protocol. Obviously, the part relating to the .NET Micro Framework used the M2Mqtt library ! You can find all the materials related to this session on the official blog of Rick at the following link, the ...

M2Mqtt Case Study : MQTT with .Net Gadgeteer platform


Blake McNeill, Microsoft Developer Security MVP, has made ​​a very interesting demo using the MQTT protocol with the .NET Gadgeteer platform !

Blake is one of my main fan that uses very often all the open source libraries that I made on CodePlex. This time, talking about MQTT protocol, he has used the M2Mqtt project !

On the official web site, I have just created a page dedicated to case studies for those who wish to share their experience, hobbistic or professional, with client and GnatMQ broker usage. Just contact me and I'll be happy to set up a page dedicated to your project !

The tutorial is well done and describes all the main features and potential of the protocol as well as highlight the simplicity with which it is possible to integrate and use my MQTT client.

You can’t miss it !





Recent Comments

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    this is a good post that you have written you can add more about the outlook or some other technology...

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