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Posts Tagged ' IoT'

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Connecting MXCHIP IoT DevKit to Azure

I recently received an MXCHIP IoT DevKIT and I experimented the Azure connectivity functions available in the Arduino library for this platform. The "DevKit -Get Started" section of the github gives detailed description of each step:   I'll summarize the actions I had to perform to establish an MQTT exchange between my MXCHIP board and Azure IoT Hub: I first installed two tools on my machine:      - Ardunio IDE      -  Visual Studio Code   VS Code contains all specific entries required to handle Azure functions, which are not in the Arduino IDE, moreover it is a pretty efficient IDE compared to Arduino. Two extensions must be installed in VS Code: "Azure IoT Workbench" and "Arduino". Then the specific platform for the MX board must be installed from Arduino Board manager. At this point I had all the tools to build and run the GetStarted applicat ...

An Azure connected weighs

WiFi modules have become way more accessible since a few years, and prices are going down fast. Starting from the work done on a student's project, I used the tiny RedBear Duo to build an Azure connected weighs. Well... from the top it is an "off the shelf" weighs, the interesting part comes when you turn it upside down: The main job was to connect the existing four sensors to a dedicated HX711 amplifier circuit  (bottom left, small PCB). Then an LCD display was added to interact with the user (bottom left, large PCB) The weighs has four capacitive buttons which were also connected (botton left, blue wires) The original power supply was replaced with a stronger 5V with a switch. (top left and center) The ReaBear board is the brain of the weigths, it has all I/O interfaces plus WiFi connection to report to Azure. In addition to indicating weight, the system provides a clock from the Azure connection. Measures are pushed to a dedicated Azure table, and provides a good following for indi ...

Win 10 IoT Core: Raspberry Pi 2 Peripherals - Connected Devices (Code)

This blog discusses a UWP (Universal) app that enumerates the drivers on a Windows 10 system (including IoT). Its like the Windows Device Manager app. Full source code is available.

Windows 10 IoT Systems

Various scenarios were presented for Windows 10 IoT at Build 2015. In all cases, the object is to have a Windows 10 device, whether desktop, mobile or embedded/IoT, talking to custom hardware and to the cloud. The “reference” design for hardware from a Makers’ perspective is Arduino. Let’s examine the scenarios.

About Windows 10 IoT

Windows 10 IoT is the third (lower) layer of Windows 10. All three are built from the same codebase, part of Microsoft’s one Windows mantra. Whilst the desktop will have significantly more features than the IOT layer, the IoT layer will embedded features such as General Purpose IO (GPIO) which the desktop doesn’t. The Phone layer will support cellular networks for phone calls whereas the other two only support this for internet access. Apart from the common code, a binding feature of all three is Universal Apps.

2015 Global Azure Bootcamp @ Santiago Canyon College

Global Azure Bootcamp (GAB) is a one day world-wide event, driven by Microsoft Azure experts and community enthusiasts, to help developers new to Azure as well as experienced developer, to learn and share knowledge about Azure. 2015 marks the 3rd year for this event with 183 worldwide locations to host the event on the same date, on April 25th, 2015. While this is the first year we hosted the GAB event at Santiago Canyon College (SCC), this is the 2nd time we hosted similar event to serve the academic as well as the general developer community in Southern California. In May of 2014, we hosted the \\publish\ event at SCC, working with Microsoft product team, a global hackathon with more than 60 worldwide event locations, to assist new as well as experienced developers to develop, complete and publish their Windows Phone and Windows Store apps. Big Thank You to Von Lawson and Ron Kessler at Santiago Canyon College. The GAB event at SCC would not have been possible without the help from these two in ...

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  1. Re: SurfPad: Index

    this is a good post that you have written you can add more about the outlook or some other technology...

    -- Configure Outlook 2016

  2. Re: Azure Sphere - Hands on!!


    -- David Jones

  3. Re: Windows 10 IoT Core: Shutdown and Reboot the Raspberry Pi

    Bruce, I noticed that you are sending a REST web request for controlling the pi. I looked online a for...

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  4. Re: Strange HP Laptop Keyboard Fix–It worked for me.

    Eh its happened again! Yes [Fn] and [ctrl] keys are swapped. So time to shutdown and remove the battery...

    -- David Jones

  5. Re: Win 10 IoT-Core - Raspberry Pi3 Bluetooth Driver Issue: Workaround

    Thank you for the workaround. I just tried it on my Raspberry Pi 3 running Win 10 IoT. It solved the...

    -- Paul

  6. Re: Win 10 IoT-Core - Raspberry Pi3 Bluetooth Driver Issue: Workaround

    Thank you for the workaround. I just tried it on my Raspberry Pi 3 running Win 10 IoT. It solved the...

    -- Paul

  7. Re: Win 10 IoT-Core - Raspberry Pi3 Bluetooth Driver Issue: Workaround

    When the BLE dongle is inserted it shows up on the default startup app main page as two entries: USB...

    -- David Jones

  8. Re: Win 10 IoT-Core - Raspberry Pi3 Bluetooth Driver Issue: Workaround

    The above "comment" is the Device tree on Device Portal-Devices for the Bluetooth Driver/s with the ...

    -- David Jones

  9. Re: Win 10 IoT-Core - Raspberry Pi3 Bluetooth Driver Issue: Workaround

    >HTREE\ROOT\0 >ACPI ARM-based PC >Microsoft ACPI-Compiant System ...

    -- David Jones

  10. Re: Bluetooth Low Energy on Windows 10 Creators Edition and a RPi3 issue.

    FYI: On RPI2 ========== When my USB BLE Dongle is plugged in I get two entries on the main page for the...

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