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Posts Tagged ' WinRT'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with ' WinRT'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

MQTT & Eclipse Paho : new releases for M2Mqtt client and GnatMQ broker !!

Finally the new M2Mqtt 4.1 version is out !


In the last months, my library was under pressure thanks to my friends Olivier Vigliengo (from Adeneo) and Nicolas Besson (Microsoft MVP on Windows Embedded, from Adeneo). They used the MQTT client for their hobbistic projects and stressed it a lot !

After exchanging a lot of emails with log traces, I fixed some bugs and added some improvements to the library.

MQTT OASIS 3.1.1 : official support for M2Mqtt and GnatMQ

After about a month of work during my free time, it's finally time to release the new version of the M2Mqtt library ( and the related GnatMQ broker ( Beta) with the MQTT OASIS 3.1.1specification support (in addition to some bug fixes).

Mobile Camp : demo and slides on geolocation using MQTT

Thursday, October 23 there was in Naples the "Mobile Camp" organized by Microsoft with my community DotNetCampania and focused on the development on Windows Phone and Windows platforms.

M2Mqtt is officially part of the Paho project !

Who knows the MQTT protocol, used in the Internet of Things market, also knows that the reference project for it is Paho of the Eclipse Foundation.

This project provides a lot of client implementations of MQTT in all main programming languages ​​such as C/C++ (for Windows or Linux and for embedded systems), Java (J2SE and Android), JavaScript, Python and Go.

In this large list, until a few days ago, an implementation in C# usable on .Net and WinRT platforms was missing . This gap was filled with my M2Mqtt project that is now officially under Paho umbrella for which I’m officially a committer !

M2Mqtt Spy : Windows Store and Windows Phone companion app to “spy” MQTT traffic

M2Mqtt Spy is an application for analyzing MQTT traffic and it is based on M2Mqtt client ( With this application you can connect to an MQTT broker (local or remote) with following features : publish message on a specific topic (with QoS 0), subscribe to one or more topics, receive and show messages on topics.

M2Mqtt and GnatMQ … now on Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 !!

      It seems that I was on vacation (given the lack of posts on my blog) and it's the truth ! Despite the holiday, I continued the development of the M2Mqtt project and today I am pleased to release the new version with WinRT support !! I made some changes on networking layer (from Socket to StreamSocket), thread (from Thread to Task) and security but finally the first MQTT client for all .Net platforms today also works on tablets with Windows 8.1 and on smartphones with Windows Phone 8.1. The new project, added in a Visual Studio 2013 solution, is a "portable class library" that I used and tested in a Universal App. The same for the "brother" GnatMQ, now in version (Beta), thanks to which we have an MQTT broker to run on tablet and smartphone with Windows 8.1 OS family. Of course I updated the Nuget package by adding the assemblies for WinRT. I hope I did something useful f ...

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