Paolo's blog entries

From the monthly archives: September 2012

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'September 2012'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Internet Of Things and μPLibrary : client for ThingSpeak platform

A Internet of Things client for ThingSpeak platform implemented for .Net Micro Framework inside my library uPLIbrary on CodePlex.


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Snoozy on Windows Phone Marketplace !

You no longer fear losing your bus stop or train in the course ofyour daily trips because of sleep. You are welcome to take a nap and the appwill alert you with an alarm when the destination is near.

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Uefa Ranking on Windows Phone Marketplace !

This application displays the UEFA ranking of club teams and associations for the selected year up to five years earlier. On the UEFA club ranking, you can apply a filter by club name and association membership.

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BabyOnBoard on Windows Phone Marketplace !

This application allows you to calculate the main information relating to a pregnancy...

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On Channel9 : Windows 8 and the .NET Micro Framework

Pete Brown on Channel9 shows us how to write Windows Store apps that use the .NET Micro Framework and advanced socket networking...

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