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Posts Tagged 'Internet of Things'

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Netduino boards : the new “third” generation now with integrated Wi-Fi

Now … I can write something !! Smile


About two weeks ago I received a great present from Secret Labs (thanks to Chris Walker) … the new Netduino 3 Wi-Fi board !

Full agenda : travelling for the Internet of Things !

It was and it will be a very busy time for me ... and if you want to hear me talk about the Internet of Things around Italy (and the "world"), you just need to read the agenda of upcoming events !


Tomorrow, on Saturday April 18th, there will be the third edition of the Microsoft Embedded Conference in Naples that has become the Internet of Things Conference organized as always by the DotNetCampania community thanks to the sponsorship of Microsoft Italy.

Community Days 2014 : “Internet of Things : my washing machine connected to the Internet ?”




This time, with great honor, I will be among the speakers of the Community Days 2014 to be held September 23 to 25 in Rome, after I was there more times as attendee in the past.

The honor will be double, because I will have the session with my dear friend Valter Minute that I recognized as the "Maradona" of embedded systems.

Our session entitled "Internet of Things: my washing machine connected to the Internet?" will be completely dedicated to IoT starting from embedded systems (Microsoft based) to the possible solutions in the Cloud, including the future project "Reykjavik" based on Azure and presented at Build 2014; the title tells the truth, among other things, we will have as its protagonist a washing machine (toy) !

You can find all the information concerning the agenda of the sessions and logistics on the official website in addition to the registration form.

We look forward to this event every year will not disappoint the expectations of those who participate !

M2Mqtt and GnatMQ … now on Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 !!

      It seems that I was on vacation (given the lack of posts on my blog) and it's the truth ! Despite the holiday, I continued the development of the M2Mqtt project and today I am pleased to release the new version with WinRT support !! I made some changes on networking layer (from Socket to StreamSocket), thread (from Thread to Task) and security but finally the first MQTT client for all .Net platforms today also works on tablets with Windows 8.1 and on smartphones with Windows Phone 8.1. The new project, added in a Visual Studio 2013 solution, is a "portable class library" that I used and tested in a Universal App. The same for the "brother" GnatMQ, now in version (Beta), thanks to which we have an MQTT broker to run on tablet and smartphone with Windows 8.1 OS family. Of course I updated the Nuget package by adding the assemblies for WinRT. I hope I did something useful f ...

Better Embedded 2014 : my session on Internet of Things


The July 4th and 5th I was in Florence for the event Better Embedded 2014, the first Italian conference dedicated to the embedded world.

I was lucky and honored to be a speaker with a session on the Internet of Things entitled "Internet of Things: protocols war !" The event was attended by many people every year and has kept his expectations and I hope to be able to relive this experience again next year.



Regarding my slides you can find them on SlideShare.

Windows for IoT : “cannot open include file arduino.h” ? Check your Internet connection, you need Galileo C++ SDK Nuget package !

    Yesterday, I got my kit with the Intel Galileo board with "Windows for IoT" and of course, as a child who has a new toy in his hands, I started to play ! The easiest thing is to follow the online documentation, accessible from the official Windows On Devices website, which describes step by step how to be "up and running" in a few minutes. My desire to do drove me to make a "mistake" that didn’t allow me to finish the procedure correctly. What happened ? After turning on the Galileo, connecting it to the PC and browsing through the folders (both with a telnet session as "network shared"), I decided to develop the first example for the blinking LED. I opened Visual Studio 2013, selected the C++ project template for Windows for IoT, and finallty started the build without any changes but  .... here was the error ! Arduino.h file not found ? How it is possible ?  Isn’t it installed with the SDK that we have to download from the Microsoft Connect site ? No, it isn&rsqu ...

M2Mqtt 3.5 : .Net MQTT client with improved SSL/TLS support, other features and Apache 2.0 license !

    This time the M2Mqtt library has undergone some "important" changes in terms of new features and bug fixing. I have to admit that the improvements are mainly due to the people who use it and report me to add new features or bugs to fix. In addition to several issues reported on CodePlex, this time also Clemens Vasters, PM on Microsoft Azure, submitted some improvements to be applied in the context of SSL / TLS authentication. In fact, as already tweeted several weeks ago, Clemens used my library to run tests on the Reykjavik project (Device Gateway) presented at Build in 2014 and I can only be honored. SSL/TLS authentication In this case, the improvement is closely related to the .Net Framework version, since it is the only version to support what has been added. In particular, the MqttClient class makes available other constructors which can provide the following callbacks : RemoteCertificateValidationCallback : allows the user to execute further checks on the validation of the ...

Windows Developer Program for IoT officially started !!


Although it was announced immediately after the Build 2014 and O'Reilly Solid , the "Windows Developer Program for IoT" was officially started yesterday !

The announcement was made by the program manager, Steve Teixeira, on the Windows blog highlighting the launch of the new Windows Developer for IoT portal and the beginning of the shipping of the evaluation kit consisting of the Intel Galileo board with a specific version of Windows that supports the Arduino APIs and a subset of the Win32 API.

Also, on the Microsoft Open Technologies website it is specified that the SDK will soon be released in part as open source.

For those who were already enrolled in the program, they have to wait for the kit that will arrive at home very soon but can start to take a tour on the new portal that already provides all the information related to SDK with the sample applications !

Azure Nodes : Microsoft Azure services in Node-RED !

    After I wrote the article about the Node-RED installation with a Web Site in Microsoft Azure, I decided to start another "small" open source project closely related to the "flow-based programming" with Node-RED using the Microsoft Azure services. Starting from Azure SDK for Node.js I am asked myself the following question: why not make available to the Node-RED users all the Microsoft Azure services in their "flows" ? From there I had a new project idea : Azure Nodes ! This project, available on GitHub, adds a bunch of nodes ("azure" colored) to the Node-RED toolbox through which you can interact with the Microsoft Azure services. The current version is still in Beta and it supports only the Service Bus features (queue and topic / subscription) very useful in the Internet of Things, I love. The documentation is available in the Wiki pages related to the project even if the use of the nodes is remarkably simple and intuitive. There are still many (too much ?) debug messages displayed ...

Flow-based programming for the Internet of Things with Node-RED hosted on Microsoft Azure

    One of the greatest well known tool for the “flow-based programming” that provides a great way for wiring the Internet of Things is Node-RED. It is an open source project hosted on GitHub and developed by Nick O’Leary and Dave Conway-Jones from IBM but it isn’t related to any IBM technology. The main important feature is that Node-RED is completely written in JavaScript and HTML and it is based on server-side framework NodeJS. This means that it can run on any PC where we can install NodeJS and with all available operating systems from Windows to Linux through Mac OS X. This article is not intended to be an introduction or full guide on Node-RED but it will describe how we can run it in the cloud ! Thanks to its NodeJS base and the power of all services provided by Microsoft Azure, you can create an Azure Web Site for a NodeJS application that can host Node-RED so that you can access, control and develop on it from everywhere ! In this way, we don’t need to s ...

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