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CEESharpWiz: Porting SDK and Smartdevice projects to Compact 2013 OS Subprojects

A Wizard, like CEDriverWiz etc, that runs from Tools menu to generate or import a C# Managed Code OS Subproject for Windows Embedded Compact 2013 Projects.

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DJs Weekly Blog V1.8 - Compact13Tools V5.0 Update (Full source)

This article discusses the just released Compact13Tools Version 5.0 software architecture for Compact13Tools. This version has the full source for the Managed Code which it builds via a batch file.The software is structured as two layers. (Read on for more.) The next blog will introduce CEToolbox which directly builds to Managed Code tools as OS Source Subprojects; a topic covered in the previous three blogs. This article is essentially a slides presentation with some *comments.

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