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From the monthly archives: November 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'November 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

A Nancy-Razor content oriented web site: ms-iot Community Samples (Now live)

Microsoft maintains a suite of sample IoT projects on GitHub at

Primarily it is a site for appropriate Microsoft staff to maintain the site by

  1. Contributing projects
  2. Extending existing projects
  3. Providing code corrections (bug fixes)
  4. Providing code improvements,

The question is, do they want community contributions? The site was originally worded in its ReadMe it appeared to seek community contributions in all four areas. During a recent discussion I had with the repository principals, it was decided that going forward in the long term, for maintainability, community contributions would only be sought in 3., bug fixes.

To that end, I have created a GitHub repository where developers can deposit a ReadMe.MD (ReadMe replaced by the project name). The file will have a simple textual database record at the top listing project properties, including a relative link to the project’s GitHub repository. The website as discussed here, is then able to get the deposited project ,md files and extract the database records, It then can import them to the site’s database (actually a json file) and save the .md file (without the db record) for display via the web site. The web site is able to list the records (key properties only) which can be filtered/searched and sorted based upon these project properties. Users are then able to select a project and view the complete db record. From there they are able to view the complete project ,md file.

This sequence of blogs briefly discusses the techniques/technologies used for the web site which include:

  • Nancy
  • Razor
  • GitHub API

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Strange HP Laptop Keyboard Fix–It worked for me.

Symptom: Cntrl Key and Fn Key don’t work

System: HP Probook 450G1

Without these keys you can’t do much development.

(Weird) Solution: ……….

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Avnet acquires Hackster .. What does it mean for the Hackster community?

Avnet has acquired Hacker . What does it mean about the openness of Hackster.IO which up to now has been platform and vendor neutral.


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