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From the monthly archives: September 2014

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'September 2014'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 SDK Build Issue

eMVP ErwinZwart ( has blogged on his site wrt a problem when attempting to build a WEC 2013 SDK. You typically get a message such as: ------ Build started: Project: OSDesign10, Configuration: VAR-SOM-AM33 ARMV7 Release Platform Builder (_TGTCPU) ------ Starting Build: call "C:\Users\DAVIDJ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PB\BuildSdks.bat" ============== Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x Full installed. "SET PRJ variables because IMGREGHIVE=1" Wince ARMV7 CEBASE VAR_SOM_AM33   Development Environment for DavidJones "C:\WINCE800\public\common\oak\bin\i386\BuildOutputFilter.exe" -- "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /d /c "call "C:\Users\DAVIDJ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PB\BuildSdks.bat"" C:\WINCE800\build.log(3) : Warning: You have one or more CPU families to be included in the SDK that have missing or out-of-date headers and libraries. Make sure to build the following configurations: VAR-SOM-AM33 ...

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Porting an ARM BSP from Compact 7 to Compact 2013 - 1

First in a series of blogs about porting a Compact 7 TI AM335X BSP to Compact 2013 using a SOM and a development board for the SOM as reference hardware for an industrial controller.

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