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SurfPad: Text Output

Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad. As part 3, add a Text Output control to the UI that can note which button is pressed along with (later on) output from the remote app.

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SurfPad: Json Configuration

Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad. As part 2, specify the buttons and app config via a Json Configuration file. This reworks a previous GitHub project.

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SurfPad: Your old Surface as a Remote App Touchpad: The UI

Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad:

Have you got an old RT Surface 1 or 2 gathering dust and don't know what to do with it?

  • Create a UWP app to run on a Surface (ARM or x86), or any touchscreen Windows laptop. Could even recycle an Windows Mobile (8.1/10) phone.
  • Uses rounded boxes a touch keys.
  • Can remotely act as the UI for an app running on any system that supports Serial, Bluetooth(serial) or has network connectivity.  Azure IoT Hub is also envisaged as a communication medium.

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Xamarin for Windows Developers 101: About Xamarin Forms Projects

We are looking a short-cutting getting started with Xamarin Forms for cross platform app development, if you are already a UWP app developer. This article discusses the rudiments of an Xamarin Forms app project from the perspective of a UWP app developer.

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Xamarin for Windows Developers 101: Setup

So we have seen the need to use Xamarin. So lets get started. This article covers installation in Visual Studio on a Windows device

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Xamarin for Windows Developers 101: Introduction

OK so you have been creating Windows apps for ages including UWP. You have developed apps that run on the Windows desktop and the phone. You understand the rudiments of developing a modern UI app MVM etc. You understand PEM, properties events and methods for classes and GUI elements. You understand database CRUD can attach a database to an app using formal database invocation methods. You might even have mastered the Entity Framework and/or have a deep understanding of ORM. Overall, in coding terms, when confronted with a new programming context you know what you want to do and how you do with UWP or Windows Forms; you just need to do it in the new context. Xamarin Forms, bring it on!

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CleanupVS: Five coding tips as used

The Windows 10 UWP app CleanupVS is now in The Store. Its a free app for cleaning up Visual Studio workspaces by recursively deleting bin and obj folders from Visual Studio project folders. This article covers some of the code techniques used in he app.

Including, quick folder count, app metadata, using the Feedback Hub and populating a RichTextbox.

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XAML Layout for a Dictionary-Addendum

Solved: How to use one line per item in a UWP XAML ListView

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XAML Layout for a Dictionary–Part 2

The previous post outlined in an XAML UI using a ListView how to display a List of instances of a class of public properties using data binding. Layout and padding issues were examined as well as binding to a dictionary of objects. This article covers programmatically adding elements of a collection to an XAML UI.

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XAML Layout for a Dictionary–Part 1

I had a Dictionary of values that I wanted to display in an XAML UI as part of a UWP app. My initial foray was to use a ListView with a binding to the dictionary  ListView.ItemTemplate/DataTemplate. The dictionary was then bound to the ListView’s ItemsSource. The problem with the ListView is that there is a lot of padding between items vertically and within items.I wanted to compact the rows of data vertically though as if I had manually placed each dictionary item (key and values) in a grid of rows of TextBlocks in a row (one row for each item). This article discusses my trials and tribulations with this issue and includes my final solution.

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