We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'January 2018'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.
Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad. As part 3, add a Text Output control to the UI that can note which button is pressed along with (later on) output from the remote app.
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Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad. As part 2, specify the buttons and app config via a Json Configuration file. This reworks a previous GitHub project.
Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad:
Have you got an old RT Surface 1 or 2 gathering dust and don't know what to do with it?
We are looking a short-cutting getting started with Xamarin Forms for cross platform app development, if you are already a UWP app developer. This article discusses the rudiments of an Xamarin Forms app project from the perspective of a UWP app developer.
So we have seen the need to use Xamarin. So lets get started. This article covers installation in Visual Studio on a Windows device
OK so you have been creating Windows apps for ages including UWP. You have developed apps that run on the Windows desktop and the phone. You understand the rudiments of developing a modern UI app MVM etc. You understand PEM, properties events and methods for classes and GUI elements. You understand database CRUD can attach a database to an app using formal database invocation methods. You might even have mastered the Entity Framework and/or have a deep understanding of ORM. Overall, in coding terms, when confronted with a new programming context you know what you want to do and how you do with UWP or Windows Forms; you just need to do it in the new context. Xamarin Forms, bring it on!
In this article I discuss two ways to the refer a UWP app to an Entity Framework Model Class Library, which appears to not be possible through the normal method of adding references between projects in Visual Studio.
Occasional PC video failures may be due to system overheating and may be rectified by added robust exhaust fans. An assumption that it was the power supply, which had previously resolved the matter, wasn’t the cause for my most recent errant PC condition. Note that if swapping over power supplies, only use the power cables supplied with the new supply. Otherwise you can fry hard drives! Also covered is how to simply get system uptime and a recommendation for PC Health (CPU temperatures, fans etc) is given.