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From the category archives: David Jones

Miscellaneous things in your life

Australia: Possible assistance for unemployed developers

Rod Colledge, Brisbane Australia, has some MSDN Ultimate licenses to give to Australian Developers who are un/under-employed.

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World Cycling Chanpionships .. That hill!

Continuing the cycle theme from another blog on this portal, I attended the World Road Cycling Championships nearby (in Geelong) yesterday.

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Windows Mobile OS Roadmap (Unofficial)


From Mary-Jo Foley:


KEY Points:

  • Windows Phone 7 is due for release soon
  • Announcement of Enterprise Handheld

Upgrading my Development PC

About I figured it was time to get some more grunt for embedded development.   Last week I put together an I7 930  system.  To cut a long story short, I built a CE operating system in about 6.5 minutes! System Specs: Intel® Core(TM) i7 CPU  930 @ 2.80 GHz That’s quad core, it hyperthreads as 8 CPUs 6 Gig DDR 3 1333 Ram as 3 x 2 Gig CPU has 3 Memory channels so one each Western Digital 1 Terabyte  Sata 3 Black Hard drive 60 GB/s ?? Link TBA ASUS ENGTS250 1G Video Card NVIdia GPU Asus P6X58D Premium Motherboard This one has USB 3 Also can take 6 Core CPU ..Later No CPU or Video overclocking yet.     .csharp ...

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Intel targets Smartphones with new Atom chips

Ref: It was reported a little while ago that the gulf that divides ARM and x86 is narrowing.  ARM, especially if GPUs are bolted on are increasing in capability.  Intel ATOMs are being scaled down in power and size.  It was at the time suggested that PADs might sit in the middle and be implementable able using both.  It has now been announced that Intel Atoms have been scaled down and can be used in phones. “Intel Corp. rolled out its latest Atom chip set, the 45nm Moorestown platform geared for use in the burgeoning market for smartphones and tablets. The new chip supports three mobile Linux variants, including Google's Android, but observers said the PC giant's next-generation 32nm chip set will compete more effectively for handset design wins.” “The new SoC includes a 512 Kbyte L2 cache. Versions for smartphones run at up to 1.5 GHz, and ones for tablets run at up to 1.9 GHz.” An x86 Phone .. you won’t s ...

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