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Posts Tagged 'Winows Phone 10'

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Xamarin for Windows Developers 101: Introduction

OK so you have been creating Windows apps for ages including UWP. You have developed apps that run on the Windows desktop and the phone. You understand the rudiments of developing a modern UI app MVM etc. You understand PEM, properties events and methods for classes and GUI elements. You understand database CRUD can attach a database to an app using formal database invocation methods. You might even have mastered the Entity Framework and/or have a deep understanding of ORM. Overall, in coding terms, when confronted with a new programming context you know what you want to do and how you do with UWP or Windows Forms; you just need to do it in the new context. Xamarin Forms, bring it on!

Bluetooth Low Energy on Windows 10 Creators Edition and a RPi3 issue.

Several months ago I published a UWP app on GitHub that interacted with a Texas Instruments CC2650STK  SensorTag using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) API.  It was based upon a previous Microsoft sample UWP app for interacting with an earlier TI SensorTag. Whilst the new app ran well on the Windows 10  Desktop and Windows 10 Phone, it was found to be erratic on the Raspberry Pi3 running Windows 10 IoT-Core.. working well some times but errant other times. Windows 10 Creators Edition added a key feature to BLE, namely the ability to connect to a device that is advertising without being paired. This blog examines the erratic nature of the RPi3 with BLE and investigates whether this is solved with the Creators Edition. In so do a comparison is made between between BLE Paired and Unpaired connectivity in the UWP app development context..

David Jone's blog

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