4.5: Using MqttClient
Created by sphung on 11/14/2013 1:27:23 AM

Using MqttClient

Using MQTT client from library is very simple. First you have to create an instance of MqttClient class which provides only one mandatory parameter (the IP address or the host name of the broker you want to connect to) and some optional parameters with default values (MQTT broker port, secure connection and X.509 certificate). In the simpler case, you can use the default port (1883) and you don’t have the support for secure connection based on SSL/TLS using default values for optional parameters and specifying only broker address (or host name).

MqttClient client = new MqttClient(IPAddress.Parse(""));

Before connect to the broker, you can register to the event MqttMsgPublishReceived raised when a message is published on a topic the client is subscribed to. In this case, you have to provide an event handler to handle the incoming message using the instance of MqttMsgPublishEventArgs that exposes the data bytes through the Message property.

client.MqttMsgPublishReceived += client_MqttMsgPublishReceived;


void client_MqttMsgPublishReceived(object sender, MqttMsgPublishEventArgs e)


// access data bytes throug e.Message


You can also be interested to know if a subscription and/or unsubscription to a topic is completed and registered to the broker. In this case, you can define two event handlers for the events MqttMsgSubscribed and MqttMsgUnsubscribed.

client.MqttMsgSubscribed += client_MqttMsgSubscribed;

client.MqttMsgUnsubscribed += client_MqttMsgUnsubscribed;


void client_MqttMsgUnsubscribed(object sender, MqttMsgUnsubscribedEventArgs e)


// write your code


void client_MqttMsgSubscribed(object sender, MqttMsgSubscribedEventArgs e)


// write your code


If you are using QoS Level 2 to publish a message on a specified topic, you can also register to MqttMsgPublished event that will be raised when the message will be delivered (exactly once) to all subscribers on the topic.

client.MqttMsgPublished += client_MqttMsgPublished;


void client_MqttMsgPublished(object sender, MqttMsgPublishedEventArgs e)


// write your code


After you have registered to all events you are interested in, you can use the Connect() method of MqttClient class to connect to the broker. The only mandatory parameter is the client ID that must be unique; the other parameters have some default values and they are related to :

  • Username and password for client authentication (default values are null, no authentication);
  • Will message feature (default values provides NO Will message);
  • Clean session for removing subscriptions on disconnection (default value is true);
  • Keep Alive period for keeping alive connection with ping message (default value is 60 seconds);

Without using all the MQTT advanced features (authentication and “will” message), you can specify only the client ID (for example a generated GUID) and leave the default keep alive period with clean session flag set.


To subscribe and unsubscribe to a topic, the MqttClient class provides Subscribe() and Unsubscribe() methods. The former needs the list of topics and relative QoS levels to subscribe and the latter needs only the list of topic to unsubscribe.

string topic = { "sensor/temp", "sensor/humidity" };

byte qosLevels = { MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE, MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE };

byte grantedQos = client.Subscribe(topic, qosLevels);

Subscribe() method returns the granted QoS Levels for the topics specified.

string topic = { "sensor/temp", "sensor/humidity" };


The last method is Publish() by which you can publish a message to a topic, specifying topic itself and the data bytes for the message. You can also set the QoS level parameter (that has a default value level 0) and the retain flag for delivery message also to the clients that aren’t already connected when the message is published. In this case, the broker saves the message and send it to a new client as soon as it connects and subscribe to the topic.

client.Publish("sensor/temp", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(temp)


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