6.6: Summary
Created by ppatierno on 2/12/2014 3:05:35 AM


The .Net Micro Framework is part of .Net Framework family products (with full and compact versions) and it can run on constrained devices with a small footprint of RAM, Flash and CPU. One of the products based on this framework is Netduino from Secret Labs.

To develop an Internet Of Things application using them, you need the .Net Micro Framework SDK and the Secret Labs SDK that provides Netduino features from C# managed code; these SDKs works with a first class IDE as Visual Studio 2012 (Express for Windows Desktop or Professional/Ultimate edition).

A simple application scenario as an MQTT based temperature alarm system consists of a publisher that publishes temperature values (read with a sensor) on a specific topic and a subscriber that receives these values and it triggers an alarm turning on a led if the temperature is higher than a maximum value.

All the system works fine thanks to an MQTT broker like Mosquitto that runs on a server and using the M2Mqtt library for the clients.


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