7.1: MQTT Example Using Windows Embedded Compact
Created by ppatierno on 1/3/2014 10:21:23 AM

MQTT Example Using Windows Embedded Compact

In the previous chapter we saw .Net Micro Framework that we can use on really constrained devices with few resources. If we have a more powerful platform with MBs of RAM and hard disk or large Flash memory, we can use a real time operating system like Windows Embedded Compact (7 or latest 2013) for improving our performance. Using it, we have all the features of .Net development by the .Net Compact Framework (3.5 or 3.9 version) so that we can use M2Mqtt library compiled for it. This chapter starts to implement an example that will continue in the next chapter on Windows Embedded Standard (WES) platform, because we will develop the MQTT “publisher” side on Compact system and the “subscriber” side on WES system.

This chapter will cover the following subjects:

·         Phidgets USB products for sensing and control

·         Application scenario : MQTT based light sensor system

·         MQTT publisher


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