5.1: Development Environment
Created by sphung on 11/14/2013 1:31:59 AM

Development Environment

For developing the Internet of Things using MQTT protocol and M2Mqtt library you have to choose a target device according to your needs and costs. There are a lot of hardware platforms based on different operating systems and with different performance. Depending on the hardware chosen we can use one or more of the available .Net Framework versions (full, compact and micro) but the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is only one : Visual Studio 2012. After all the material necessary to develop the MQTT client side, we can chose the broker.

This chapter will cover the following subjects:

  • .Net Micro Framework : Netduino Plus board
  • Windows Embedded Compact 2013 : EBox
  • Windows 8 Embedded Standard : ???
  • Visual Studio 2012 : developing with MQTT client;
  • Mosquitto MQTT broker : up and running
  • Summary


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