8.2: Broker and Subscriber on Windows Embedded Standard
Created by ppatierno on 1/3/2014 10:46:28 AM

Broker and Subscriber on Windows Embedded Standard

As we said in the introduction, the monitor station in a home or industrial automation system hosts the broker and the subscriber. The broker receives all the messages from the publishers in the network and the subscriber is bounded to a GUI application that shows the values to the final user. In this case we can use a normal or industrial PC with a Windows Embedded Standard operating system, customized for the application itself. This machine can also acts as gateway of internal sensors network to the outside world for loading acquisition data to the Cloud.

After creating a Windows Embedded Standard image with all necessary components (remember .Net Framework feature) and drivers for your hardware you have to install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package in order to run the Mosquitto broker.

If you don’t have a real PC, you can use Virtual PC or Hyper-V to execute respectively Windows Embedded Standard 7 and Windows Embedded 8 Standard.


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