Compact 2013 Ebook

14.4 Console App
Created by djones on 6/18/2013 5:02:50 AM

Native Code Console Application Development with Platform Builder

In this activity a Native Code console "Hello World" application is developed a a Platform Builder subproject.

1. Load the Solution

2. Run the Subproject Wizard as above and select WCE Console Application.

3. Give the project a name (e.g. Hello) and press [Next]


Figure 14.5: Console Application Options

4. Select A typical “Hello World” Application and press [Finish]

In Solution Explorer you will see the subproject located under OS Subprojects. Expand its tree out and examine the files generated by the Wizard. For this project, the key file its source Hello.cpp. Open it in the source code editor for viewing and editing (Double-click on it in Solution Explorer). The program just writes “Hello World” to the output.

. clip_image004

Figure 14.6: The generated Console Application in Solution Explorer

// Hello.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv, TCHAR *envp)
    _tprintf(_T("Hello World!\n"));
    return 0;

Listing 14.1 The Hello World console application code source file.

Another important file is the sources file. Double-click on the root of the application’s subproject tree in Solution Explorer. You will see the project’s sources file which drives the projects build. It is not displayed in Solution Explorer as because it also tells the IDE what to display in the tree, as above.

    ReadMe.txt \
    StdAfx.cpp \
    prelink.bat \
    postlink.bat \
    StdAfx.h \
    Hello.cpp \
    $(SG_OUTPUT_ROOT)\sdk\lib\$(_CPUINDPATH)\coredll.lib \
    Hello.bib \
    Hello.reg \
    Hello.dat \
    Hello.db \
    ProjSysgen.bat \

Listing 14.2 The Hello World console application sources file.

Warning: The may be some confusion with code source and sources file terminology. The sources file is the project file and always has that name. The code source file in this context is the .cpp file that has the project name, i.e. hello.cpp

5. Configure the subproject for development as previous.

6. Compile the application by Right-clicking on it in Solution Explorer and select Build (either).

The output is written to release directory and so can be included in the OS build if required and can also be used via Target Control when the OS runs. Click on the OS in Solution Explorer then Open the Release Directory in the Build Window. See the subproject files generated by entering dir hello.*

C:\WINCE800\OSDesigns\OSDesign6\OSDesign6\RelDir\CEPC_x86_Release>dir hello.*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is A08B-2FAB
 Directory of C:\WINCE800\OSDesigns\OSDesign1\OSDesign1\RelDir\CEPC_x86_Release
23/04/2013  04:19 PM            20,480 Hello.exe
23/04/2013  04:19 PM            21,617
23/04/2013  04:19 PM           839,680 hello.pdb
23/04/2013  04:19 PM             4,688 Hello.rel
               4 File(s)        886,465 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  59,998,638,080 bytes free
  • Hello.exe is the x86 executable
  • The .pdb contains information for debugging purposes (Debug Database).
  • The .map file meta information about the program linkage.
  • The .rel file contains information about address relations done on modules built using PB IDE.

Running a Console App

To run the app, download and start the OS. You did not need to rebuild the OS to encompass the subproject.

1. From the Target menu, select Run Programs

2. Choose the application

3. Press [Run]


Figure 1.7: Target-Run Programs Dialog

The program will run on the target an exit, but you will probably not see the output.

4. In the source file put a breakpoint just before the application exit and rerun. You should see the output now.


Figure 14.8: Application at a breakpoint

5. Alternatively add the following before return to force user input:

	TCHAR ch;
	_tprintf(_T("Press enter to continue:\n"));

Listing 14.3 Code to require user intervention for application to close.


Figure 1.9: Hello console application output on the target device.

6. Another way to run the application is to via Target Control (Menu Target-Target Control).At the prompt enter gi proc to see what processes are running
Then enter s hello to run the program (“start” hello):

Windows CE Command Prompt
    : Shell commands ('?' for shell help)
    '.': Debugger commands ('.?' for help)
    '!': Debugger extension commands
    Ctrl-T: Terminate pending command
    Ctrl-L: Clear all
    Ctrl-A: Select all
    Ctrl-F: Find (F4: Search forward, Shift-F4: Search backwards)
Windows CE>gi proc
PROC: Name            PID      AcctId   VMBase   CurZone
 P00: NK.EXE          00400002 00000000 80220000 00000000
 P01: shell.exe       00fc0006 00000000 00010000 00000000
 P02: udevice.exe     01be0006 00000000 00010000 00000000
 P03: GweUser.exe     02fb0002 00000000 00010000 00000000
 P04: servicesd.exe   03220002 00000000 00010000 00000000
 P05: minshell.exe    03840002 00000000 00010000 00000000
Windows CE>s hello
Windows CE>

7. You can also run the application directly on the target. In MinShell on the target press Command and choose Command Prompt. You now can run the application from the command line:


Figure 1.10: The MinShell on the target device.

8. Enter Hello and the application will run:


Figure 1.11: Running Hello console application directly on the target device.

Note: Applications can also be run on the device from the command prompt if prefaced by start.
eg >start Hello
The OS will run the application but not wait for it to end to return to the command prompt.
This is useful for run applications such as WinForm apps that don’t immediately exit.

Some utilities such as ipconfig can output to the Debug tab by simply adding the /d option on the end of its command line. i.e.:

ipconfig /d

9. Try this using Target Control or Run Programs

There is a utility in the WINCEROOT tree that wrapper a command line application such as hello, run it and redirect its output to the Debug window. It’s located in:


Note that this folder is by default excluded from the OS build. The application we want is simply called d. Ie:


10. Explore the project contents and then build it by right-click and choose build. The output will be in relase directory

11. Try running this d application and see how to use it.

12. Then use it to redirect the output of hello to debug using:

d hello

This works equally as well if run from a command prompt on the device or if launched from the IDE.
Run Programs s d hello
1997131 PID:400002 TID:15a00e6 RELFSD: Opening file d.exe from desktop
PB Debugger Loaded symbols for 'D.EXE'
1997183 PID:17900ca TID:15a00e6 RegisterDevice loading error (d will use a tmp file)
1997184 PID:17900ca TID:15a00e6 d hello
PB Debugger Loaded symbols for 'HELLO.EXE'
PB Debugger Unloaded symbols for 'HELLO.EXE'
1997224 PID:17900ca TID:15a00e6 Hello World! ß Output here
PB Debugger Unloaded symbols for 'D.EXE'
PB Debugger Unloaded symbols for 'D.EXE'

The text output for the application can also be directed to the IDE Debug tab using debug macros. RETAILMSG macro generates messages in both RETAIL and DEBUG OS builds and so is the most useful for application development over KITL. The first parameter is a conditional feature that if non-zero, the macro is actioned. The second parameter requires a format string expression. The WEC2013 debug macros is covered in detail in a later chapter.

13. Replace the print statement in the code as follows and remove the user input because the output will still be visible after the application closes:

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv, TCHAR *envp)
    RETAILMSG(1,(_T("Hello World! ")));
    return 0;

Listing 1.4 Using a RETAILMSG to output to the Debug window.

14. Run the application from the IDE. A typical output is:

Run Programs s Hello
64125 PID:400002 TID:2550006 RELFSD: Opening file Hello.exe from desktop
64154 PID:2500006 TID:2550006 Hello World! ß Output here

Finally, the application could also be configured to run at start up by including it in the image and using the Autolaunch tool, although that will be covered in the AutoLaunch chapter, it would be pointless for obvious reasons with this app.

NEXT: C Libraries


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